Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Joan Mitchell -- images related to "A Rage To Paint" by Linda Nochlin

 Joan Mitchell

 Canova--Ercole & Lica
 Willem DeKooning Woman, 1949

 Willem DeKooning Woman, 1949

Jackson Pollack by Hans Namuth

Joan Mitchell, installation

Joan Mitchell, 1961

"Little Weeds II"

Joan Mitchell, To the Harbormaster

Bedford Series

Model in front of Pollack

Joan Mitchell by Rudy Burckhardt


  1. I very much appreciate Joan Mitchell's use of color.

  2. I thought Kiki Smith explored nature in a convincing manner in her exhibition at the Pace gallery. By employing different materials, she directs the viewer from wooden forests to intricate spider webs all also exploring the role of the human, by painting naked women in 'natural states.' It is somewhat humorous but at the same time invites the viewer to sensitize himself or herself to the natural world, which is somewhat contemporary due to the many ill effects such as global warming bringing about destruction in the world today.
    I also appreciated Frederick Kunath's pieces that explore realist art with all its technical beauty with the convention, lines of an open notebook. I think he does it with grace, almost like writing poetry but without words, at the same time humbling himself to humor and easy goingness of the pieces.
    Jordan Wolfson's theater was somehow alluding to today's male narcissism and masochism. At least that is what I got out of it, open to discussion...
